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It’s a little like “fake it ‘til you make it” but with more unjustifiable hope and less determination. At least, that’s true for me in this moment. Feeling pretty miserable about the state of my… Pretending

No café

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No cafés open Christmas morning, but I found a moka pot and an egg cup. Allowed an approximation of the morning ritual. The view definitely helped make up for the lack of milk foam. Time… No café

Xmas Eve

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I’m sitting in the joint I’ve made my local here in Kamloops. I’ve had a few rough body days this week, but finally feeling pretty good this morning. If you find yourself in Kamloops looking… Xmas Eve


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I’m in Kamloops visiting with my in-laws and still need to work for a couple days and like my morning routine. Google helped me find Amplified, a little spot with nice espresso attached to the… Amplified

Rough day

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Just got to Sumach at 16:40. I had been thinking I might be sick, but I think I may just be dehydrated from the merry hell my body has been giving me since my colonoscopy.… Rough day

Turnaround day

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Been a challenging week so far both physically and work-wise. Glad to be downtown again at my King street clients. The problems are a little more straightforward here most days and there’s this pretty decent… Turnaround day

Post procedure espresso

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Stopped in at one of my favourite shops on the way home from St. Mike’s. Moss Park Espresso is a wonderful little joint south of the park on Queen E. Joe opened during the pandemic… Post procedure espresso

Presse on King

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A decent chain store near my King St client. A good escape in the late afternoon.

Birthday 56

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I’m in my local café enjoying the now traditional birthday gift of my in-laws: a credit at Sumach Espresso. They started doing this on my 50th birthday I think. It’s really lovely and thoughtful. We… Birthday 56


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We’ve cruises into Oakville and it’s a little bit of memory lane. I haven’t spent much time here since I last lived here in the 90s. Walked up Kerr street to look at our old… Oakville