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Morgan has made most of our suppers since the beginning of the pandemic. It has mostly worked well as Morgan likes to cook and likes to have control. However, I do also like to cook… Apéritif

personal health crap

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I’m having some health challenges. If you want to see what’s up there and how to support me, you can create an account on the Caring Bridge and follow me there:

Hope is small things

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I appreciate that my local coffee shop still lets me have my espresso in a china cup and has a patio to hang out on. Makes it easier to have a little reset and pretend… Hope is small things


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Autumn has always been my favourite season. Apart from anything else, it’s a lovely word–looks and sounds beautiful. The cooler weather makes sleeping more more comfortable and the beauty in the trees and the chance… Changes

photo of Corktown marsh with a view of River City

Corktown Marsh

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This is one of the few spots in Toronto where I feel relatively whole. I am (and have been) so many things in my life that I often feel fragmented rather than complete. This place… Corktown Marsh

on the road

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I wish. Just watching the road. It’s a break from just looking at things in my room. The ongoing road reconstruction on Shuter Street proceeds and more asphalt was the order of the day. Kinda… on the road

Plus 4

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A late change to the road plan here on Shuter Street means that at Sumach we’re getting an extra 4 feet transferred from the road to the sidewalk. I’m quite pleased. Combined with the new… Plus 4

A small coffee on a bench in front of a backhoe digging up a road


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I’ve been pretty frazzled by the ongoing road work by my house, but, compared to the naseau-inducing compactor that ran for ages yesterday afternoon making me wish I could be anywhere else, sitting and drinking… Roads


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I’m enjoying watching the young boys playing at Corktown Common right now. I’m also enjoying seeing the rabbits come out when the boys run off. I am glad to no longer be listening to Carl’s… Play