Sigh. However, life could be a lot worse. Sitting in a lovely, calm café on a peaceful morning after Labour Day. Blazac’s, Port Dalhousie
Sigh. However, life could be a lot worse. Sitting in a lovely, calm café on a peaceful morning after Labour Day. Blazac’s, Port Dalhousie
I did a bad job of telling my clients I’d be away so I’m still kinda working as we sail around the end of the lake. My brain seems to be mush in this aftermath… Port Dalhousie pretend vacation
One of my new favourite cafes is on the way home from my client at 10 King and is open till 6pm. Joe at Moss Park Espresso makes good coffee, but also great gelato. And… On the way
I’ve been a member at Holy Trinity TO for many years. We’re in a tough place and I have tried to speak into this moment. Probably only of interest to other members and close friends,… Preaching at HT
Quietly Coffee seems to be gaining traction in more shops. Not sure it’s my fave, but it’s better than Pilot. I do love the sweet little single espresso cups here. I. Fact single espresso cups… Kit Coffee
Last night I had my longest paddle of the season so far. It was good to be alone in my boat and out in the harbour without much traffic, though I think a kneeling thwart… On the lake and at the cafe
I’ve really enjoyed the space and gelato at Moss Park Espresso. The lemon gelato was so fresh that I found a lemon seed in it. Wonderful! I wrote most of my thank you notes while… Notes and gelato
Indoor restrictions are lifted and I’ve decided I’m just going to go ahead and hang out again at my local joints. As long as it’s not too full anyway. 😀