I did a bad job of telling my clients I’d be away so I’m still kinda working as we sail around the end of the lake.
My brain seems to be mush in this aftermath of cancer treatment and various other related surgeries and I don’t even know what anymore.
This is the beginning of a year where I plan to limit my list of responsibilities to paid work for the most part and try to get my head and body back together.
I don’t know if I’d want to live in Port Dalhousie, but I like it here in the port. There are better cafes than Balzac’s but no better cafe chain right now IMO. the port here is lovely. Geared to tourists to some extent, but I guess that’s what I am right now.
Happy to chill for a bit before supper in the boat with Beth and Dave and an unavoidable meeting online afterwards. Ah well. One step at a time.

Happy you’re having a lovely pretend vacation
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