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Joe’s gelato

Too wet to work on boats today, so I’m headed home. Didn’t feel like going straight there and so I’ve made my way to Moss Park Espresso for an affogado. Mmm. I did get some… Joe’s gelato

Dear Circles & Squares

I really want to like you. You used to bake in my neighbourhood of Corktown. I hear you do great stuff in your own shop, but I am beyond tired of the mediocre over-sugared stuff… Dear Circles & Squares

Notes and gelato

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I’ve really enjoyed the space and gelato at Moss Park Espresso. The lemon gelato was so fresh that I found a lemon seed in it. Wonderful! I wrote most of my thank you notes while… Notes and gelato


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Morgan has made most of our suppers since the beginning of the pandemic. It has mostly worked well as Morgan likes to cook and likes to have control. However, I do also like to cook… Apéritif


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Liam turned 20 today and he went to Jumbo Empanada in Kensington Market to bring home his favourite food in the city. I made him a Pisco Sour with my brand new Peychaud’s bitters. Happy… Pisco

23 🍅

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Our ripe tomato meter hit 23 today. Many more to come we hope. They have been so good to eat. Many tomato sandwiches apart from anything else. I have never eaten a tomato sandwich with… 23 🍅

More 🍅

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My plants are doing very well so far. I’m eating a lovely tomato sandwich as I post this.


The shady back patio at The Cannonball is one of my favourite lunch spots. The food is very good here and the patio is usually quiet. In the summer gazpacho is nearly always on the… Cool

Napa Madonna

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Living our best lives. Home from the market with plans for quarantine kim chi.