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A green step-through bike parked beside a sandwich board which reads "Jimmy's Coffee"

back in the saddle

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I love my new bike, as I have probably said here before. I guess I can call it new until the 1 year mark. The winter hasn’t kept me from riding to appointments, but the… back in the saddle

A happy place

Still lots of rough moments at unexpected and unwelcome times, but it becomes normalized over time and that makes it easier to just enjoy the in between times. I start every morning that I’m at… A happy place


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I know people think I live downtown, but I don’t really. I have clients downtown though and that’s where I am this morning. Enjoying Presse Café across the street. Feeling pretty hopeful about my city… Downtown


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I’ve been interested in urban form and the liveability of cities for a long time. Through the Not Just Bikes channel I was introduced to the thought and work of Charles Marohn and Strong Towns.… Recovering

A good day

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Loving the sun streaming in the front door of my local. I believe it’s going to be a good day.


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I haven’t been to Cherry Beach in months. Hasn’t really been the season, the construction between me and the beach has been a deterrent, and my health keeps bringing me up short. I was so… Returning

Xmas Eve

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I’m sitting in the joint I’ve made my local here in Kamloops. I’ve had a few rough body days this week, but finally feeling pretty good this morning. If you find yourself in Kamloops looking… Xmas Eve

Post procedure espresso

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Stopped in at one of my favourite shops on the way home from St. Mike’s. Moss Park Espresso is a wonderful little joint south of the park on Queen E. Joe opened during the pandemic… Post procedure espresso

Bridge open

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My friend Brian discovered via Twitter yesterday morning that The south part of the new Cherry Street alignment is now open. We were both pretty excited and made a plan to bike down after work.… Bridge open

Elm Café

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Back in Kingston with Beth this week. Have been working regular hours but somewhere else, so it’s been a good break. It’s also been a chance to more seriously consider what it would be like… Elm Café