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Cherry Beach morning.

Garden Lounge

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Feeling pretty at home and pleased with my little garden right now. So many thanks to Lynn Jondreville for his work years ago in building the bones that made this moment possible. It is so… Garden Lounge

Sumach redbud

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I love this tree at my favourite coffee shop. Someone harmed it last year so it has a tape splint, but it carries on.

Country airstrip

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Just down the road from the truck in the previous post was the Bancroft airport. I loved the sock hanging limp in the dawn light.

Lights out

Beth and I had to make a quick trip to the Madawaska River yesterday to drop Liam off for a course. This morning as we returned at sunrise, there were many interesting sights in the… Lights out


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My mind has been elsewhere muddling through my cancer diagnosis and general ennui about life, relationships, work, etc. I still manage to notice things and tumble into a moment here and there. The juxtaposition of… Today


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Running water holds a great power over me and invariably lifts my soul. I feel better having visited and spending a few minutes thinking about how soon I can canoe and if I could explore… Flow


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Went for a walk in Edward’s Gardens today. Just across from where I parked is this lovely statue entitled “Bull Elephant”. The tusks have been stolen. Sadly ironic. Why do some of us feel a… Symbol

Gateway to?

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I’m not special here. I think we’re all pretty worn down. The energy to to continue, to wait, to do what I can pretty much folded up in November and has not returned. I have… Gateway to?

Cherry beach sunrise

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Beth and I walked down at Cherry Beach this morning. It was lovely. Good to have a peaceful moment before yet another overfull day.