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My mind has been elsewhere muddling through my cancer diagnosis and general ennui about life, relationships, work, etc. I still manage to notice things and tumble into a moment here and there. The juxtaposition of… Today


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Morgan has made most of our suppers since the beginning of the pandemic. It has mostly worked well as Morgan likes to cook and likes to have control. However, I do also like to cook… Apéritif

personal health crap

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I’m having some health challenges. If you want to see what’s up there and how to support me, you can create an account on the Caring Bridge and follow me there:


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Running water holds a great power over me and invariably lifts my soul. I feel better having visited and spending a few minutes thinking about how soon I can canoe and if I could explore… Flow


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Went for a walk in Edward’s Gardens today. Just across from where I parked is this lovely statue entitled “Bull Elephant”. The tusks have been stolen. Sadly ironic. Why do some of us feel a… Symbol

Gateway to?

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I’m not special here. I think we’re all pretty worn down. The energy to to continue, to wait, to do what I can pretty much folded up in November and has not returned. I have… Gateway to?