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Getting there

A slower, rougher start today, but with an espresso at hand and a lovely quiet view, I’m getting there.

Island time

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I came over Saturday morning to work on the Sea Scouts’ boat Warington. I stayed for the new members party and am now enjoying the… Read More »Island time


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I’ve been interested in urban form and the liveability of cities for a long time. Through the Not Just Bikes channel I was introduced to… Read More »Recovering

A good day

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Loving the sun streaming in the front door of my local. I believe it’s going to be a good day.


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I haven’t been to Cherry Beach in months. Hasn’t really been the season, the construction between me and the beach has been a deterrent, and… Read More »Returning


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It’s a little like “fake it ‘til you make it” but with more unjustifiable hope and less determination. At least, that’s true for me in… Read More »Pretending

No café

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No cafés open Christmas morning, but I found a moka pot and an egg cup. Allowed an approximation of the morning ritual. The view definitely… Read More »No café