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Moving day

My daughter has moved out for the last time (probably). She left here last Thursday and started her new job with the Ministry of Transportation in BC on Monday. I’m finding that the obvious finality of it is bringing out stronger emotions than I experienced the last two times she moved out for school. Of course I wanted her to move out and start her life on her own and get her career underway. I am very happy that things are working out so well and of course I will see her again, but Kamloops is very far away.

Our lives in the past few years have been closely intertwined and our little family unit has been through a lot of stuff in the past few years. Beth’s cancer and my cancer, followed by far too many additional problems have put a lot of stress on my children, but I have been very grateful to them both and to Beth as I have navigated all of this unpleasantness. And I think it (and the early pandemic) brought us much closer together (at least in part so we didn’t kill each other).

I feel lucky that we had this time together as adults even though it was very challenging at times. It’s very exciting that Morgan’s life is coming together right now and I am looking forward to visiting her in her own place once she has one, but I’m having lots of Dad feelings right now.

5 thoughts on “Moving day”

  1. Oh wow that is a big move for Morgan and it’s marvellous that she has such an interesting job. You guys have been through a too much and I wish it was otherwise. I admire the people you are and love you all very much.

  2. I can certainly relate to having a child move across the country and the conflicting emotions that go with it. I still get very emotional every time I leave Toronto after a visit and it’s been 9 1/2 years! I’m really glad Morgan is going to Kamloops – nice to go from a place with family to a place with family. Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful summer!

  3. Fair enough Bernie. It’s definitely a different situation for you. How are things? Want to connect for lunch or something sometime? I’ll shoot you an email as I expect you won’t see this.

  4. Thanks Sybil. You’ve got your own big move coming up. Are you still in NS in September? We’re hoping to be down that way to do a little sailing.

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