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back in the saddle

I love my new bike, as I have probably said here before. I guess I can call it new until the 1 year mark. The winter hasn’t kept me from riding to appointments, but the unseasonably beautiful weather today sent me out for a ride just for the joy of it. The Brooks saddle is not only beautiful, but far more comfortable than I ever would have imagined. If you can afford one, they really are wonderful.

Beth and I headed down to the new Don River mouth to take a look now that water has been added to the mix. The sun shone and we had a lovely time poking around. I didn’t take any photos today, but the Waterfront Toronto Instagram accounts have lots of beautiful images and even a water level tracker. The picture below is from about 10 days ago before water was being pumped in. This area is all wonderfully wet now.

My life is complicated still and likely always will be. The combination of a rectal excision and IBS is not one I recommend1. I’m doing better at managing it and am more numb to the bad outcomes, getting better at “handling my shit” so to speak. As a result, I am getting out and about more and you might just see me around town on my spiffy new bike. I’ve started playing music in public again, so far just at Holy Trinity on Sunday morning, and will be attending and hosting events of some kind again as the weather improves. Stay tuned.

As a part of that getting around, I am trying to save Fridays for personal work like music, woodworking and writing. That will manifest itself in small ways here, but I hope to write some more substantive things too. I’ll share more if it comes together. Love you all and see you around town and on or near the water in the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to connect for coffee, exploring, sailing, paddling, let me know. Would love to see you again and return to a closer approximation of my life in 2019.

  1. Do your colon cancer screening folks. Found early, it’s simple to treat during a colonoscopy and need not affect your life. Also, the drugs they give you during your colonoscopy are great. ↩︎

2 thoughts on “back in the saddle”

  1. Glad to read your update. Wish I could avail myself of one of the Friday visits. Glad you’re out and about on your lovely new bike. Love you sweetie.

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