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Spring is coming. I believe. Greg, Sumach Espresso, 2019 March 22, 7:49


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Natalie, Sumach Espresso, 2019 March 13, but 08:22

C is for

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Coffee, of course. Raynor, Sumach Espresso, 2019 March 11, 15:56

Across the bay

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Hung out at the sugaring off party at Sherbourne Common for a bit on Saturday before it was washed away by the rain. “Enjoyed” some mediocre brewed coffee with butterscotch liqueur. Not terrible, but I… Across the bay

Slept in

Went out on the town last night. Multiple stops, multiple drinks and the Captain Marvell film. A late start, a productive hour and now coffee. Feeling pretty good in this moment. Yesterday, International Women’s Day,… Slept in

En route

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To my lips. Xo Natalie, Sumach Espresso, 2019 March 6, 7:56


Too late to catch a last coffee at Sumach, I made one at home while Beth sorted receipts (thank you!). St. Paul’s Espresso beans, Thunder Bay, gift of Rachel Z and Kevin B

My way

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I nearly always slip in the back door. Natalie, Sumach Espresso, 2019 March 5, 8:42