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I was at St. Lawrence Market when I remembered the bit on the radio this morning (or was it yesterday) about oysters from Newfoundland. They didn’t have them, but I decided to have a few… Oysters

Small town Toronto

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Exploring local rinks this morning. I should have brought a thermos full of hot toddy. The small joy of gliding on a rink that is just busy enough makes Toronto more like the towns of… Small town Toronto

Golden hour

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Returning home from getting my boat ready for winter.


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Hanging at Balzac’s Ryerson location waiting for a friend. I love the quote in the window.

Holly and snow

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A little early for the festive look, but there we are.

Oshawa surprise

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The Venturers were sleeping late and I felt a need to find an espresso joint. Google found what may be the only independent coffee shop in Oshawa and it was good. Had a great chat… Oshawa surprise

Morning before camp

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Off to camp at Samac with the Venturers tonight. A lovely sunrise to start. The forecast is not so hopeful.

Monday plans

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I do love the vibe at my local coffee shop. It’s a great community – the church of coffee.

Open mic

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Heading to QCYC for an open mic that my friend Val is hosting. Planning to play a couple tunes. Toronto Harbour