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Autumn’s here

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Sitting outside. Maybe not many more opportunities. Alexandra, Sumach Espresso, 2018 Nov 5, 14:42


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A rainy afternoon at work on Shuter. Kelly, Sumach Espresso, 2 Oct 2018, 3:15pm

macchiato in a small glass. A bike leans against a post outside the window.

Haul away

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An exploratory shot at Shuter and Dalhousie. Good service, a greener roast and so a little sour. A trendy roast style right now even if my drink isn’t. Owner, Mast Coffee, 23 Sep 2018, 1:46pm

Pelee Island dock area

Connorlee on Pelee

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No macchiato on their espresso menu, but the owner was game to try and did a good job on the first try and got better with each return visit, even getting the proper cups from… Connorlee on Pelee

a single macchiato in a white ceramic espresso cup and saucer. A bouquet of red flowers is beside and spilling petals onto the windowsill.

avec des fleurs

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unknown barista, Sumach Espresso, 6 Apr 2018, 7:50am