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The robins have hatched. They’re pretty quiet right now. Fluff with beaks.

No Mooring

Things are a little damp at the club right now. Queen City Yacht Club, 2019 May 29, 17:57

Baby blue

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Robins are nesting near my locker. Queen City Yacht Club, 2019 May 18, 14:21


First day at the club this year. Hope to be on the water Friday or Saturday. QCYC, 2019 May 8, 17:42

Take 45

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A brief stop at YEG.


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One last visit with my daughter before heading home. My nephew waits at our table for the group to return. Liberty Cafe, Vancouver, 2019 May 5, 13:31


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I was captivated by the light and petals on these grates in the streets of Qualicum Beach.


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I was captivated by this lovely little skiff. I especially loved the fact that it had a sculling position right at the stern. Ladysmith, BC,

Girls & boys

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Doors to another time. Victoria, BC