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Photo by Adam Rhodes on Unsplash


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A friend asked in a private group last week: This summer season, with its many challenges, has me thinking about resilience. What is it that allows us to get up each day and face anew… resilience


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My first coffee away and with china since the beginning of the pandemic. Very nice. I have been here before but it has changed hands and name since my last visit 2 years ago. Also… Kemptville

Time Travel

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My head has been all over the place because of my cancer diagnosis and treatment (some pandemic and other life challenges messing with me too). I make dubious choices day to day. This morning’s choice… Time Travel

Kirby 23 sailboat for sale

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Update: The Scout Group I’m involved with, 403rd Toronto Sea Scouts wants to keep Warington available for their use and will pay the storage and trailer costs, so it looks like we’ll be keeping her… Kirby 23 sailboat for sale

Garden Lounge

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Feeling pretty at home and pleased with my little garden right now. So many thanks to Lynn Jondreville for his work years ago in building the bones that made this moment possible. It is so… Garden Lounge

Plant stand

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Sometimes you just have to get serious. Last year I had pretty good success growing tomatoes on my roof, but when the wind came up I had to bring them down. That got harder as… Plant stand

Sumach redbud

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I love this tree at my favourite coffee shop. Someone harmed it last year so it has a tape splint, but it carries on.

first after chemo

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My first coffee after I finished my chemotherapy. I wasn’t forbidden, I just didn’t feel like having one. This was delicious.

Country airstrip

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Just down the road from the truck in the previous post was the Bancroft airport. I loved the sock hanging limp in the dawn light.

Lights out

Beth and I had to make a quick trip to the Madawaska River yesterday to drop Liam off for a course. This morning as we returned at sunrise, there were many interesting sights in the… Lights out