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Early in the pandemic, Morgan ordered a hammock and has spent a lot of time in it. This morning I’m enjoying the gentle rocking, cool air and watching the sunrise Feeling pretty good here, but… Hammock

Paper plane throwdown

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Pretty excited that Old Town Bodega near us was doing take-away Paper Planes. That’s one of my go-to cocktails and I was both excited to get out in the neighborhood and compare mine to their’s.… Paper plane throwdown

Happy Hour

Hanging with Whitehorse on a Friday evening. So good. I am so jealous of them.


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Walking the neighborhood in these strange, stir-crazy times I discovered that some of the racket lately was clearly asshats driving in parks and spinning doughnuts. The city has wisely used cement blocks to limit the… Doughnuts


Cocktail ingredients chilling. Rich syrup, lime cordial and honey syrup. The first two are destined for classic daiquiris. Mmm.


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Thanks for making coffee Morgan.


High Park cherry trees are closed to the public, but we have some lesser known local ones. Beth and I had a poke around today. Had to wait a little for others to move on,… Cherries

Skateboard Haven

I like that a few retailers have made virtue of necessity. It is sad that some people have broken into stores that are closed for the pandemic and have made hoarding necessary. But when you… Skateboard Haven