I’m a fiftyish man living in Toronto. I have both challenged and followed the rules. I have been a small town kid, tree-climber, Scout and Sea Scout, reader, (over)thinker, kayaker, actor, camper, hiker, activist, lover, urbanist, queerish, leader, husband, youth worker, liturgist, cancer patient, silly bugger, designer, walker, father, musician, canoeist, Anglican, athiest, theologian, web programmer, sysadmin, songwriter, moustache enthusiast, sailor, music promoter, organizational strategist, bartender and damn fool. Sometimes I am still some of those things.
I have discovered a love for espresso and, in particular, the macchiato (but not the weird Starbucks thing). I don’t usually comment on the quality of the macchiato in my posts because my local shop does a reliable job ranging from very good, to excellent.
Posts sometimes tagged with barista (if known), shop, date, time. TMI, but wtf.
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